What is it about?
We want to create an environment in which employees feel comfortable and can unleash the full potential of their abilities.
We dream that the majority of companies practice the balance between healthy cooperation and excellent productivity.
Really lived; This balance should not only exist on paper.
In addition to the benefit for the employees and you as entrepreneurs and managers, it is probably the first systematic support of Section 5, Paragraph 3, No. 6 of the Occupational Safety and Health Act (ArbSchG).
According to Section 5, Paragraph 3, No. 6 of the ArbSchG, all employers are obliged to examine workplaces for potential psychological risks, regardless of the size of the company and starting with the first employee.
#SafeSpace #FearlessOrganization #FearlessOrganization #PsychologicalSafety #MentalHealth #EmotionalHealth #EmotionalHealth #MentalHealth #PsychologicalHealth #PsychologicalSafety #Saltshaker #Lantern #PeachPie #MentalHealth #RealValues #LivedValues #Leadership #HighPerformanceTeams #Creativity #Innovation #EmbraceComplexity
The neurology behind it...
As soon as someone has power over us and we know that our lives are at the mercy of someone else, we are cautious. We are scared. And then there is cortisol in our system. This makes us easy to control. Obedient but unproductive. Let's take a quick closer look.
The reaction is “Fight, Flight, Freeze, Fawn”.
Fawn means I want to please. So I become a yes man and kiss my ass. Super pleasant to control, but worthless in terms of creativity and innovation.
Freeze is rigor mortis. I'm there, doing my job according to the rules and am super easy to control, but also unproductive. Easily replaceable by an AI or a script.
Fight in organizations is usually vertical thinking. I start climbing the ladder and sawing on the chairs. This is real activity, but not for the good of the organization. 80-90% of the energy goes into your own ego and not towards the customer.
Flight can have two directions: I leave the organization (i.e. fluctuation is almost always linked to a flight state) or I flee inwards, which is very similar to freeze.
Another word about power.
Over the course of my life, I have dealt with countless people who spread fear and terror. It starts at school and continues through training and studies into the world of work. And almost no one meant any harm. Over time, many become accustomed to it and see power-induced fear as an acceptable substitute for respect. (Many people confuse respect with obedience anyway. But they are very different things.)
Power leads to dysfunctional social systems. It creates a bottleneck and leads to the aforementioned undesirable coping mechanisms. Even if I use power rarely and unconsciously.
Still, I have to control the system. Especially when I am responsible. The tool for this are values. These values are binding for everyone and are therefore a substitute for personal power. This is no longer necessary in a value-driven system. Everyone then decides for themselves whether I want to be inside or outside. It is clear, open and visible to everyone. And the values have to be minimal enough that they don't become a set of rules, but clear enough to keep us on track.
Advice: The choice is yours
There is what feels good and what is good for us. These two things are rarely the same.
“What you want to hear or what you need to hear? You choose.”
It's the same in consulting. There are the answers that we like to hear - and which are also offered by all major consulting firms - or just the things that really help and change things. One feels good and the other feels good, but is painful at first.
We also offer both. We are happy to do a standard consultation and there is a 50% discount.
But you can also order individual advice, which hurts a little at the beginning, but in the long term makes you a few percent more productive and happier every year.
You all. The “third way” definitely exists. An organization in which employees, managers and entrepreneurs work together. And love it.
Why does traditional advice work the way it does? What is the psychology behind it and where does the bad reputation come from?
Consulting is commissioned by management or the entrepreneurs. So they want to have their worldview strengthened. Now it is the case that everyone means well. The intentions are good. Probably always. What comes out may well be something different.
So the story in your head is “I mean so well and the others are too stupid to understand that. How can I get customers/employees/politicians/... to see the world the way I do?”
The answer, of course, is: “Not at all”. No one can directly change the way other people think.
But if I say that as a consultant, then I'm out of my contract. So my choice is to follow your victim narrative or starve.
But you are not victims. And no perpetrators. The problem lies in the two poles. So we can change our thinking.
The real solution lies in the third way: the assumptions about our influence on others and the functioning of an organization are too simple. We still have the image of the clockwork with the gears in our heads. But that's not how networks in which people work work.
When I understand organizations as complex, organic structures, I quickly realize that there are no victims and perpetrators, but that we are a living structure - like a swarm - and need good control of the dynamics.
And the picture of the school of fish is good. The moment a consultant is hired, the swarm is no longer a swarm. It's a colorful mess. Most of the time everything works well. Then I don't need any outside support. I need help when a tipping point has been reached in a complex system. And most of the time it's no one's fault. Guilt is not a helpful concept for bringing systems back to a stable state.
The classic advice shows a few slides how great everything is and a few personnel measures spread some fear, which mainly leads to freeze and fawn. The swarm falls into rigor mortis and everything looks good for a few months. Essentially nothing changes.
This doesn't go down well with the employees. And in the long term, neither will management and entrepreneurs. It's too expensive for any improvement. “Useless advisors.”
The alternative is to stop assigning blame and understand the organization as a complex system - as a swarm. And not just to accept complexity, but to fully exploit it.
The seven dimensions of collaboration are aimed at exactly this. These are the tools we need to live complexity. In a way that we all say on Sunday evening “Great, tomorrow is Monday, I can go back to work!”
Location determination and baseline in one. We have to know where we start and what it really looks like (inside us).
Relationships don't work according to the principle of averages, but we are sensitive to how we relate to each other when it matters. In the difficult times. Do we stand by each other even if it costs something?
The self-assessment is a relatively simple tool to capture an initial baseline that honestly reflects where our issues lie.
Not always pleasant to see the truth about the inner state, but better we see it early before it festers further.
Important here: At the beginning we all start from a different base. We all have an individual understanding of what trust is, for example, and where we are on the scale of 1 to 10. (10 is always best.)
When we start the collaboration after the TeamCheck, the ratings usually get worse at first because we then realize that our old “10” is more like a “3” according to the new standard. Growth also means understanding how far we can grow. And that we'll never finish. Growth is more of an attitude and an ongoing process than a project.
The first building block is the teams. We can learn how to make these systems more neuro-friendly. This is automatically more humane. Human in the sense of social beings and structures. This also includes more relationships, openness and trust.
Our collaboration model has 7 dimensions:
It's not like this is anything incredibly new. They are all things that we basically know and can do. We just need memory and a shared understanding. And the experience of how much you can grow there.
These 7 subject areas come directly from cybernetics (the theory behind self-controlled systems) and psychology. We wrote them down to remind ourselves of healthy social group principles. To keep it in mind.
This approach works well wherever people work together. So less the potato field, but where something is made possible through the interaction of people. Where there has to be togetherness, and coexistence is not enough. Whether it is software development, hotel operations, hospitals or at school. School is particularly exciting because we can solve the big problems we have always had in classrooms by using this approach. We would transform checkout rooms from dysfunctional to functional systems. In fact, in many clubs and volunteer environments, we do a lot of this quite naturally. Even with start-ups. Totally natural. Because we know we need each other.
It is exciting and sad that growth and sales are often used as a reason for becoming more inhumane and unproductive. Financial success releases you from the responsibility to make good use of existing resources. Success and growth easily create waste. We have consistently become accustomed to feudalistic structures and ways of thinking. That's why it's difficult at first to see the world differently. To build the systems we live in differently.
Transformation 2 Leadership
The teams are one half. In many organizations we have a formal management structure. With the important tasks of management and the additional perspectives, there often comes an understanding of the control of organizations that no longer fits well with modern and complex organizations.
Creative and knowledge work needs other systems.
At its core, leadership is simple. There are three things I need to know and be able to do:
Love as the “unconditional interest in the development of people”. Love sounds strange here at first, but that's because, since Romanticism, we as a society have had a somewhat strange image of love. Love really just means “it’s good for the system”. And that's exactly the idea we want to cultivate in healthy organizations.
“Don’t manage people, manage purpose.” I give the direction and move forward. I have the courage and strength to stand alone at any time. If I lead the way and no one follows, then I am not yet clear enough about my vision and purpose. And I always practice self-restraint because I stick to my values. I never use the power I have. I don't need that anymore.
And the most important value that wins people's hearts is openness. I don't have to guess what's happening. I am no longer afraid of closed doors and no longer have to think “what will they decide about my life”. Just because we've gotten used to so many fears doesn't mean they become good.
When I hear from people “Leadership is lonely” (whether in companies, churches, clubs, hospitals, you name it), that is a sign that someone has slipped into negative management. This is never meant in a bad way. Well-intentioned care at first. Then paternalism. That's a fine line.
At one point I started talking more about people than with them. “They should just do what I tell them! I know what’s good.” And whether that's true or not, it doesn't feel good. And this develops into a “those down there” versus “those up there”. This is a dysfunctional system. Because we already work against each other internally and therefore have enormous waste in terms of frictional losses. And from this internal conflict comes loneliness.
I never have this loneliness with an open tour because we are all in one system and travel together.
Assessment 4 PS
The main topic “PS” is #PsychologicalSafety or #PsychologicalSecurity.
During the assessment, we look even deeper systematically and independently than with the TeamCheck.
It is a complete psychological safety assessment. We assess our 7 dimensions and up to 5 levels.
The first results will be sobering, but that's not a bad thing. Every hint has potential to learn and become better.
You are already incredibly successful. And this is about the potential to become even better and more productive. A few percent step by step. Not magic, but a visible effect.
There are simple and systematic recommendations for action for these “soft elements”. We're finally getting these soft factors under control.
Value compliant communication
If we are in the transition from management to leadership in complex organizations or if we are not yet firmly anchored in our value orientation, communication is often tricky.
Especially in difficult situations, when it comes to a personal level or about changes and transformations, we often mean well, but it comes across very differently. We don’t want to “push” at all, but it is perceived that way.
Experience has shown that we can communicate all decisions in a way that is consistent with our values if they really serve the purpose. This also includes listening.
We are happy to support you in the process.
Value Watcher
Safe space can only exist where every violation can be made visible. This has to be outside the hierarchy.
It's like the separation of powers in a democracy: the C*O are the legislature and that's okay. But it needs a judiciary. An independent body that can hold everyone accountable to values. And “sanction”. If we have values, then it is always a self-limitation. This then has to be sustained.
Exceptions are like accidents at work. Everyone counts too. Not just severed heads, but also when just the finger is gone.
We want an organization that can say “I haven’t had a values accident in 437 days.”
We offer this service for you externally and support you in building your own organizational structure for it. Whatever is cheaper for you.
Important: A works council could be the solution, but is usually more interested in participating in the legislature. That’s why the “guardians of values” are something different.
Customer Voices
The topic is sensitive and still has some stigma attached to it, which is why we are discreet. Still some feedback...
“... [encourages] his interlocutors to think and critically question subconscious concepts and assumptions in conversations, but [is] always understanding and free from judgment...”
“ are 100% with your counterpart. Give it your fullest attention - your hearing - take in what is being said & go to the individual level.”
“First contact ... is always characterized by optimism: “It doesn't work” is never an option [...] takes a lot of time in advance to understand which goals [...] need to be achieved. [...] through intensive preparation and the right questions [he] made the goals more precise and tangible.”
“... sensitivity, a good comprehension and, on a human level, simply a lot of experience. Of course, this also brings with it the topic of your heart.
Plus, you have a sense of humor!”
“accompanies each and every participant and takes care of them. At the same time, he strengthens the work in small groups and accompanies us all on the path to trust.”
“Team development with a fun factor”
In principle, you can make the transition and change on your own. As already said, the 7 topics are no secret. And we are also happy to share all the material about it. Here and at conferences.
However, applying it in everyday life is more difficult because we are so caught up in our patterns. We tend to just do the same thing because somehow it already worked.
That's why we're happy to help you with this change or transformation. A transformation that really resonates with your organization.
We have the change-diffusion model in mind. Shown here in a very simplified manner. But in every system we have a normal distribution when it comes to willingness to change. We have an indifferent center and two edges where we have very low resistance (orange) or very high resistance (gray).
For a successful transformation, we start with an orange germ cell. We start with a small group. This can be 2-3 teams or a unit of 70 to 300 people.
And we are looking for teams and units that are ready for this transformation. Those who really want it. We then accompany them on their journey for 1-2 years. You get everything you need in terms of know-how, but also good habits. And from this seed cell, others can see how it works. The organizational framework and metrics are also set up during this time. We also want to know whether we are experiencing change at both points: Does the quality of work change from the perspective of all employees? And does productivity increase?
When the early adapters and the early minority (this is the orange area here) have internalized the basic principles, systemic tipping points have been reached. The majority adapt this in a natural way. We create a natural pull rather than pushing it into the organization.
Example: Purpose
The purpose thing sounds so trivial that you might think that you really don't need to say anything about it. Unfortunately it's not like that. I have done 100s of workshops and trainings, and when it comes to the question of the goal or even purpose, we have endless variation.
For me there are two reasons: We assume that everyone sees the world the same way we do and we find it really difficult to formulate a common purpose for a group or a system.
As already mentioned, things are different in volunteer environments because we are drawn together by a common purpose.
Let’s take a look at examples of how a purpose can control a system.
Example school
School is something we have all experienced. And many have often asked themselves the question “Why? For what reason?" placed. Let's imagine that school would control learning through a purpose.
What can that look like? We need to take something that is measurable but also within our control. What can we do and what do we want to focus on?
At school, these will be the results, even if more studies show that school success is not a good indicator for the rest of life. But that is not our topic here. Let's assume that we have an external exam for each subject area. The exam itself cannot be influenced, but of course we know the content. And the claim.
One scenario that arises immediately is that we as a class agree on two things: what the average should be on the test and how big the spread should be. If the topic is important to us because it is a foundation for the following topics, let's say we want to be in the B range and a maximum spread of one grade. What is important here is that we set goals for the “class” system. We are already moving away from the “I” to the “we”. Even if the exam is taken individually, we do it as a community. This is how all social work works. We contribute our strength, but it is always in conjunction. Everyone is needed. Nobody can do it alone.
That is the criterion for the result. We also want to define a purpose for learning in terms of content. Part of this may be that we first answer the question of why the topic is important. So we want to understand and evaluate the practical relevance. This could then also have an influence on the goals for the result. In order to think about this further in a playful way, we need a concrete topic: “Pythagoras’ theorem”.
So we want to have an overview of the practical applications to understand whether this is even relevant. Then let's understand the standard procedure. This will probably also be the core of the external audit. In addition, we also want to get to know at least three alternatives for application and calculation. And perhaps also what other cultures have as alternatives, or how widespread it is. Are there alternatives? Parallel discoveries?
And with a little practice, we can think of even more aspects and perspectives.
Now we can divide the different aspects of our purpose across the class. And each group is responsible for developing and preparing the content. And the same for mediation. We work together in a group to develop our expertise and then we train each other until we assume that it is enough to achieve the metric.
If we notice during the exam that we have not achieved (or exceeded) our goals in individual areas, then we can reflect on what we did too much or too little. Were there gaps in the content? Missed practice? Didn't we pick everyone up?
What happens automatically here? We take responsibility for each other. We get to know our different learning needs and learning styles. Through research and teaching, I automatically deepen the content more than in any other form. But most importantly, we learn that we can directly influence the results.
Much more important than the specific content is the worldview that this approach creates in people's minds. I am not an object and a victim, but a designer of my life and my environment. I can and may fail. Bravely try out new ideas. This would lead to a clear overarching purpose of the school. Do I want to produce machines and automatons, or thinking people? IS obedience important, or creativity, initiative and responsibility?
In contrast to a working environment, here we also deal with people who have not yet forgotten personal responsibility and life for so long. Or if we're lucky, we haven't forgotten it yet.
If we start with the approach 20 or 30 years later, the adjustment is more difficult. Always possible because it corresponds to our neural structure and is the core of social beings. However, in our individuality. And it's harder to discover as you get older because it's been missing for so long. However, this is a different topic that we can usually handle well within the teams/systems.
Danilo Assmann Copenhagener Str. 18
70173 Stuttgart
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Elements of the social network Facebook are integrated into this website. The provider of this service is Meta Platforms Ireland Limited, 4 Grand Canal Square, Dublin 2, Ireland. According to Facebook, the data collected will also be transferred to the USA and other third countries. You can find an overview of the Facebook social media elements here:
If the social media element is active, a direct connection is established between your device and the Facebook server. Facebook thereby receives the information that you have visited this website with your IP address. If you click the Facebook “Like” button while you are logged into your Facebook account, you can link the content of this website to your Facebook profile. This allows Facebook to assign your visit to this website to your user account. We would like to point out that as the provider of the pages, we have no knowledge of the content of the transmitted data or its use by Facebook. Further information can be found in Facebook's data protection declaration at:
If consent has been obtained, the above will be used. Service based on Article 6 Paragraph 1 Letter a GDPR and Section 25 TTDSG. Consent can be revoked at any time. Unless consent has been obtained, the use of the service is based on our legitimate interest in achieving the greatest possible visibility on social media. To the extent that personal data is collected on our website using the tool described here and forwarded to Facebook, we and Meta Platforms Ireland Limited, 4 Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Harbour, Dublin 2, Ireland are jointly responsible for this data processing (Article 26 GDPR). The joint responsibility is limited exclusively to collecting the data and passing it on to Facebook. The processing carried out by Facebook after the forwarding is not part of the shared responsibility. Our joint obligations have been set out in a joint processing agreement. The text of the agreement can be found at: According to this agreement, we are responsible for providing data protection information when using the Facebook tool and for the data protection-safe implementation of the tool on our website. Facebook is responsible for the data security of Facebook products. You can assert data subject rights (e.g. requests for information) regarding the data processed by Facebook directly on Facebook. If you assert your data subject rights with us, we are obliged to forward these to Facebook. Data transfer to the USA is based on the EU Commission's standard contractual clauses.
Details can be found here:, and The company is certified according to the “EU-US Data Privacy Framework” (DPF). The DPF is an agreement between the European Union and the USA that is intended to ensure compliance with European data protection standards when data is processed in the USA. Every DPF certified company undertakes to comply with these data protection standards. Further information on this can be obtained from the provider at the following link:
X (formerly Twitter)
Functions of the service X (formerly Twitter) are integrated into this website. These functions are offered by the parent company X Corp., 1355 Market Street, Suite 900, San Francisco, CA 94103, USA. The Twitter International Unlimited Company, One Cumberland Place, Fenian Street, Dublin 2, D02 AX07, Ireland, is responsible for data processing of persons living outside the USA.
When the social media element is active, a direct connection is established between your device and the X server. X (formerly Twitter) thereby receives information about your visit to this website. By using X (formerly Twitter) and the “Re-Tweet” or “Repost” function, the websites you visit are linked to your We would like to point out that, as the provider of the pages, we have no knowledge of the content of the transmitted data or its use by X (formerly Twitter). Further information can be found in the data protection declaration of X (formerly Twitter) at:
If consent has been obtained, the above will be used. Service based on Article 6 Paragraph 1 Letter a GDPR and Section 25 TTDSG. Consent can be revoked at any time. Unless consent has been obtained, the use of the service is based on our legitimate interest in achieving the greatest possible visibility on social media. Data transfer to the USA is based on the EU Commission's standard contractual clauses. Details can be found here:
You can change your data protection settings at X (formerly Twitter) in the account settings at
Functions of the Instagram service are integrated into this website. These functions are offered by Meta Platforms Ireland Limited, 4 Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Harbour, Dublin 2, Ireland. If the social media element is active, a direct connection is established between your device and the Instagram server. Instagram thereby receives information about your visit to this website. If you are logged into your Instagram account, you can link the content of this website to your Instagram profile by clicking on the Instagram button. This allows Instagram to assign your visit to this website to your user account. We would like to point out that as the provider of the pages, we have no knowledge of the content of the transmitted data or its use by Instagram.
If consent has been obtained, the above will be used. Service based on Article 6 Paragraph 1 Letter a GDPR and Section 25 TTDSG. Consent can be revoked at any time. Unless consent has been obtained, the use of the service is based on our legitimate interest in achieving the greatest possible visibility on social media. To the extent that personal data is collected on our website using the tool described here and forwarded to Facebook or Instagram, we and Meta Platforms Ireland Limited, 4 Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Harbour, Dublin 2, Ireland are jointly responsible for this data processing ( Art. 26 GDPR). The joint responsibility is limited exclusively to collecting the data and passing it on to Facebook or Instagram. The processing carried out by Facebook or Instagram after forwarding is not part of the shared responsibility.
Our joint obligations have been set out in a joint processing agreement. The text of the agreement can be found at: According to this agreement, we are responsible for providing data protection information when using the Facebook or Instagram tool and for the data protection-safe implementation of the tool on our website. Facebook is responsible for the data security of Facebook and Instagram products. You can assert data subject rights (e.g. requests for information) regarding the data processed by Facebook or Instagram directly on Facebook. If you assert your data subject rights with us, we are obliged to forward these to Facebook. Data transfer to the USA is based on the EU Commission's standard contractual clauses. Details can be found here:, and Further information can be found in Instagram's privacy policy:
The company is certified according to the “EU-US Data Privacy Framework” (DPF). The DPF is an agreement between the European Union and the USA that is intended to ensure compliance with European data protection standards when data is processed in the USA. Every DPF certified company undertakes to comply with these data protection standards. Further information on this can be obtained from the provider at the following link:
6. Plugins und Tools
This website embeds videos from the YouTube website. The website operator is Google Ireland Limited (“Google”), Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland. When you visit one of our websites on which YouTube is integrated, a connection to YouTube's servers is established. The YouTube server is informed which of our pages you have visited. Furthermore, YouTube can store various cookies on your device or use comparable technologies for recognition (e.g. device fingerprinting). In this way, YouTube can receive information about visitors to this website. This information is, among other things, used to collect video statistics, improve user experience and prevent fraud attempts. If you are logged into your YouTube account, you enable YouTube to assign your surfing behavior directly to your personal profile. You can prevent this by logging out of your YouTube account. The use of YouTube is in the interest of an attractive presentation of our online offerings.
This represents a legitimate interest within the meaning of Art. 6 Para TTDSG, insofar as the consent includes the storage of cookies or access to information on the user's end device (e.g. device fingerprinting) within the meaning of the TTDSG. Consent can be revoked at any time. Further information on how to handle user data can be found in YouTube's privacy policy at:
The company is certified according to the “EU-US Data Privacy Framework” (DPF). The DPF is an agreement between the European Union and the USA that is intended to ensure compliance with European data protection standards when data is processed in the USA. Every DPF certified company undertakes to comply with these data protection standards. Further information on this can be obtained from the provider at the following link:
Google Fonts
This site uses so-called Google Fonts, which are provided by Google, for the uniform display of fonts. When you access a page, your browser loads the necessary fonts into your browser cache in order to display texts and fonts correctly. For this purpose, the browser you use must connect to Google's servers. This gives Google knowledge that this website was accessed via your IP address. The use of Google Fonts is based on Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. f GDPR. The website operator has a legitimate interest in the uniform presentation of the typeface on his website. If appropriate consent has been requested, processing is carried out exclusively on the basis of Article 6 Paragraph 1 Letter a GDPR and Section 25 Paragraph 1 TTDSG, insofar as the consent requires the storage of cookies or access to information on the user's end device (e.g . B. Device fingerprinting) within the meaning of the TTDSG. Consent can be revoked at any time. If your browser does not support Google Fonts, your computer will use a standard font.
Further information about Google Fonts can be found at and in Google's privacy policy: The company is certified according to the “EU-US Data Privacy Framework” (DPF). The DPF is an agreement between the European Union and the USA that is intended to ensure compliance with European data protection standards when data is processed in the USA. Every DPF certified company undertakes to comply with these data protection standards. Further information on this can be obtained from the provider at the following link:
7. Own services
Google Drive
We have integrated Google Drive on this website. The provider is Google Ireland Limited (“Google”), Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland. Google Drive allows us to include an upload area on our website where you can upload content. When you upload content, it is stored on Google Drive's servers. When you enter our website, a connection is also established to Google Drive so that Google Drive can determine that you have visited our website. The use of Google Drive is based on Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. f GDPR. The website operator has a legitimate interest in a reliable upload area on his website. If appropriate consent has been requested, processing is carried out exclusively on the basis of Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. a GDPR; consent can be revoked at any time. The company is certified according to the “EU-US Data Privacy Framework” (DPF). The DPF is an agreement between the European Union and the USA that is intended to ensure compliance with European data protection standards when data is processed in the USA. Every DPF certified company undertakes to comply with these data protection standards. Further information on this can be obtained from the provider at the following link: